
Herbal Treatment of Dangerous Creatinine Level

What is considered as dangerous creatinine level?

The creatinine level over 1.0 mg/dl (milligrams per deciliter of blood) is considered dangerous, although your doctor would probably say a level of up to 1.2 mg/dl is okay if you are a male in excellent physical condition. The older and less muscular you are, the lower the level should be.

When creatine level is beyond the normal range, it is considered dangerous. High creatinine level indicates that much creatinine which should be filtered out by kidney, builds up in the body. In return, elevation in creatinine level will aggravate kidney damages.

Therefore, the key to remedy dangerous creatinine level is to restore reverse renal functions into normal.

Howe does remedy dangerous creatinine level naturally?

Chinese herbal medicine could be a good choice to lower creatinine level naturally. Chinese medicine is practiced by about one-fifth of the world’s population since 2500 years before. Ancient Chinese has already found some herbs which contain medical ingredients for controlling creatinine level. Herbs, such as dandelion, ginseng, aloe vera, cinnamon contribute particularly to discharging more creatinine from blood.

Through the ages, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is established on the basis of Chinese Herbal Medicine. It is a kind of external application. After the raw herbs are super-finely chattered, their powders are collected into the special pockets. Then, these pockets are soaked in penetrant. After that, they will be streamed in special heaters.

Hot herbal medicine pockets will be sent to ward and will be fixed on the lower back (kidney area) of the patients. With the help of osmosis devices, the medicine ingredients will permeate skin into kidneys and take effects directly.

By dilating blood vessels, more oxygen and blood will flow into kidney lesions, thus blocks the further aggravation of renal tissue and refreshes impaired renal cells. Besides, Micro-Chinese medicine also has the property of anti-inflammations and degradation, which will stop immune responses and cleaning away the wastes, including Creatinine, through urination.

When impaired kidneys get repaired, surely kidney dysfunctions will be reversed accordingly. In this way, dangerous creatinine level will be lower by kidneys spontaneously. If you are interested about this topic, you can mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com

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