The location of parapelvic kidney cyst
A parapelvic kidney cyst gets its name for its certain locations. Mainly, parapelvic mainly locate in two renal areas.
The renal pelvis. Renal pelvis is an area inside the kidney that is shaped like a human pelvic bone. It acts as a funnel to drain urine from the kidneys into the ureter and out of the body. Renal pelvis cyst may block this funnel and cause a series of renal problems.
The renal sinus. Pelvis cyst also can occur in renal sinus where the renal pelvis can be found. Renal sinus also holds other parts of kidneys as well as blood vessels and fat cells. Once renal cysts locate in here, kidney dysfunction can occur.
The symptoms of renal parapelvic kidney cyst
Small sized parapelvic cyst usually causes no symptoms. When symptoms appear, your parapelvic kidney cyst must be large enough to hurt your kidneys.
Flank pain. Patients with parapelvic cyst may find the pain in the back or side between the ribs and hips. If a parapelvic kidney cyst grows big enough, it will squeeze your kidney tissues, and cause serious pain.
Blood in urine. As parapelvic kidney cyst grows bigger and bigger, it can rupture at any time. One of the signs is blood in urine and rupture may lead to more serious condition for internal organs can be infected, causing other complications.
Hydronephrosis. If the parapelvic kidney cyst obstructs urinary tract, it will cause urine to back up into the kidneys for it can not do a good job in draining. Thereby, it will cause Hydronephrosis to occur.
The treatment for parapelvic kidney cyst
Within 3cm, parapelvic kidney cyst can not be removed by surgical removal. When it is larger than this size, your doctor may help remove it with a thin needle or other tools.
You also can choose Chinese Herbal Medicine, which can shrink parapelvic kidney cyst naturally, no matter what the size of the cyst is. Meantime, some tonic herbs can help improve your renal function. More information or any help, please send them to