
Cure for PKD Family

Many patients with PKD must have an experience that your doctors do nothing but prescript inessential drugs in alleviating your backache and ask you wait for renal cysts enlargement so as to take surgical removal. 

In contrary, Chinese Herbal Medicine assumes it is the best time for PKD family members to shrink renal cysts instead of waiting for cysts enlarging to cause kidney damages. In terms of Chinese Herbal Medicine, treatments should be holistic, that is, both the symptoms and underlying disease should be treated. Besides, treatment should benefit patients in both short run and long run. In other words, we should not only consider that larger cysts are easy to remove in clinical surgery, but also view that renal cysts will oppress kidneys when they grow bigger.
Therefore, Chinese Herbal Medicine advocates to take medical measures at the early stage of PKD. When renal cysts are small, it is best time to shrink them naturally and prevent kidney damages, avoiding dialysis in future.

What about the PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) family members who are told to wait for dialysis?

Many PKD family members are told to wait for dialysis for they have developed into Renal Failure. Can Chinese Herbal Medicine save them from dialysis?
In fact, for Renal Failure patients, Chinese herbal medicine only hardly help them get rid of dialysis, for their renal functions has been damaged in a large degree.

If you are in a PKD family or looking for a solution for them, you are welcomed to send you confusions or problems to kidneyask@hotmail.com. We will provide a detailed answer to help any PKD family.

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