
Diabetic Is At Risk to Develop High Blood Pressure

KidneyDiseaseHigh blood pressure is commonly seen in people with Diabetes. The mortality is much higher in patients accompanied by high blood pressure than those who do not have.
Why the patients with Diabetes develop high blood pressure?
☆ Family history
High blood pressure is more common among people with a family history of the disorder. Meanwhile, it is closely related to obesity and dyslipidemia. (Learn About: Different Ways to Lower Creatinine Level 2.3)
☆ Hyperinsulinmia
Hyperinsulinmia can cause reduced sensitivity of peripheral tissues to insulin. To keep the normal level of blood glucose, the islet cells will work hard to secrete more insulin thus causing high insulin level in blood. The insulin resistance in fat tissues can cause the concentration of free fatty acid and the triglyceride to increase thus increasing the risk of cardiovascnlar diseases.
In Diabetes, more renin is secreted by kidneys. Increased renin secretion can cause increased production of angiotonin thus causing contraction of blood vessels. As a result, the blood pressure will increase.
☆ Kidney injury
Kidney injury is commonly seen among people with a long history of Diabetes. As excess fluid can not be filtered out of body, it will cause retention of fluid. As a result, the increased blood volume thus resulting in high blood pressure.
High blood pressure can speed up the progression of Diabetes and cause more damage to kidneys. Therefore, it is very important for them to control their blood pressure.
1. Controlling blood glucose level plays a vital role in controlling blood pressure.
2. The patients should take proper aerobic exercise such as biking, jogging and avoid strenuous exercise which may cause blood pressure fluctuation.
3. If they are obese, they should take effective measures to lose weight.
4. Excessive intake of sodium can cause retention of fluid in body thus aggravating high blood pressure. Therefore, the patients should limit salt intake and foods rich in sodium.
5. Nicotine and alcohol can contract blood vessels and cause increased heart beat. Therefore, the patients with Diabetes should quit smoking and drinking.

The above article has introduced the causes and preventive measures of high blood pressure in Diabetes. If you have questions about how to control high glucose level, how to remove proteins in urine etc, you can email to kidneyask@hotmail.com

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