Patients with kidney disease should pay attention to their diet, especially
when the illness condition develops into Renal Failure. Here, we will talk about
this issue and hope the following information will be helpful to you. Will high
poritein intake causes high creatinine level? read on and find the answer! If
you have interest, you can get the low protein foods list from
Can You Manage a Low Protein Diet for PKD With Stage 4
Once you are diagnosed with kidney disease, your kidneys are damaged more or
less. In general, they are advised to have low-salt diet, that is because the
kidneys are unable to remove the extra water, in order not to cause the water
and sodium retention and aggravate the swelling. Also doctor will suggest you
have low protein diet, that is because the glomerular filtration membrane has
been damaged, more protein you take, more protein will be leaked out. In order
to meet the need of human body for protein, patients with Renal Failure should
have the right amount of high quality of protein, like milk, fish, eggs and lean
meat and so on.
High protein intake can increase the burden on kidneys and make the
filtration pore of glomerular filtration membrane bigger and bigger, then kidney
function becomes worse and worse. So when the blood flows through kidneys,
kidneys become more failed to filter the creatinine and other waste products
from the blood, so creatinine keeps existing in the blood and the levels of
creatinine increases.
How to Keep a Low Protein Diet in CKD Stage3
High creatinine level and any other symptoms are caused by the damaged
kidneys, which should be known by patients with Renal Failure. The treatment
should be the one that cures only the symptoms, but not the root cause of
In Funeng Kidney Disease Hospital, we use something unique in China and the
advanced science and technology to treat Renal Failure. It is Micro-Chinese
Medicine Osmotherapy. This therapy aims to save the kidneys, not works only
outwardly. We hope this therapy can not only help Chinese patients also the
foreign patients. And Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an advanced
treatment in treating end stage of kidney disease in the world. China is the
leading country in using Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in clinic. Besides,
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a traditional Chinese medicine
iontophoresis, without any side-effect for the human body.
If you want to know more about our therapy or the service in our hospital,
you can directly talk to online expert or you can leave a message, we will send
you the information as soon as possible.