Your blood works to transport nutritions to your each organs and take aways
the waste products. Thereby, it is a good reflection of your health. Among the
many chemicals commonly found in your serum are potassium and creatinine, both
of which act as waste transporters to your kidneys, in addition to fulfilling
other vital functions. Measuring your potassium and creatinine levels can reveal
a lot about your current state of health.
High Creatinine Level
Creatinine is a product created from the breakdown of creatine, a chemical
used in the energy transfer process that occurs within muscles. Once creatine
has been used, it degrades into creatinine and is flushed from the muscles into
the bloodstream. Your kidneys measure the potassium and creatinine in your
blood. When these substances reach high levels, they are filtered out of the
blood and excreted through your urine.
High Potassium Level
Potassium is an essential mineral that your body uses to ensure proper
contraction of the heart and other muscles, for acid-base balance and in protein
synthesis. Within the blood, it also helps move nutrients into cells and carries
waste products out.
Both the deposition of creatinine and potassium in blood are the signs of
kidney damage. Thereby, for patients with high creatinine level and high
potassium level are suggested to take further tests of kidney functions.
In addition, a low creatinine and low potassium diet is necessary. There is a
questionnaire which helps you find the personal diet list based on your own
condition. If you have interest, you can get it from
Learn about: What Is Going on with Low Potassium Levels And High Creatinine