
Diagnosis is Important Before You Try Natural Herbs For PKD

As the prescriptions of Chinese herbal medicine depend on individual state, so a right diagnosis before taking herbs is very import. Which kind of herbs you need and how much the dosage will be, totally result from the diagnosis of Chinese herbal therapists. Thereby, different individuals will get different prescriptions. Meantime, as patient’s condition turn good or bad, the prescriptions will add or take away, increase or reduce different herbs.

Many people take Chinese herbs, particularly the tonic ones, without properly understanding whether they are suitable for their condition or constitution. It is also common for the diagnosis to change as the physiology moves toward a state of greater balance. The herbal prescription is then adjusted accordingly.

Right diagnosis mainly should acknowledge the following condition clearly.
●What disease the patient suffer from? Many people confuse with PKD and cyst on kidneys. For the two diseases are very different in many aspects, it is important to identify which disease you have.

● Illness condition of patient, including the symptoms, such as flank pain, back pain; and complications, such as high blood pressure, kidney stone etc.

● The severity of renal cysts, symptoms and complication. Whether patients have stepped in renal failure. How mach renal function is left. All of these are the basis for therapists to make a proper prescription of PKD.

Most herbs have a gentle effect on the body, but their indiscriminate use over a long period of time, or even a short period in certain cases, may cause side effects. Such side effects rarely occur if the proper diagnosis has been obtained. If you need help, please mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com

Natural Treatment for Creatinine 5.1 and GFR 9

From your condition, we can see that your GFR is already low, and for most patients, they may already be in dialysis. I think your good care on food do help a lot to maintain condition.

In most countries now, the only method for PKD is to wait, until it develops into kidney failure stage, and then start dialysis, and kidney transplant.

In recent years, we have developed the methods that can help shrink the cysts, and then reduce the pressure caused by the cysts, so the progress of the disease can be slowed down, your condition can be maintained, and then get improvements.

As to any oral medicines may be discharged out from the kidneys, which may increase the burden of the kidneys, so our hospital has used an external application of the traditional Chinese medicines, to let the medicines penetrate into the kidneys directly, and take effects on the cysts.

But before application of the medicines, the doctors need to examine your body, and then prescribe the medicines suitable for you, so the patients need to come to China if they want to have this treatment.

That's how we treat PKD patients. And expect Micro-Chinese medicines, for you are already in kidney failure stage, we suggest stem cells as well, combined with Chinese medicines, to achieve a better result. If you need any help, please let me know. Contact mail: kidneyask@hotmail.com

I Am Surprise I Have Cyst On Kidneys

How does cyst grow from my kidneys?

In normal condition, kidney cells grow and divide into new cells that replace old or dead ones. However, sometime cells form when the body doesn’t need new ones, or old cells that should die, continue to live. The kidney mass of tissue appear, which includes kidney cyst. Besides, kidney mass also can be kidney growth, or kidney tumor.

What causes cyst on kidneys?

Some people get kidney cysts in a genetic way, such as polycystic kidney disease. Adult polycystic kidney disease usually develops rapidly at one’s 30s and 40s. In the first two decades, patients usually feel no discomforts.

A renal cyst also can develops as a result of an obstruction somewhere in the kidney. For example, lymphatic obstructions and vascular disease can both contribute to the development of a renal cyst.

Tapeworms also can be a main cause for cyst on kidneys. Many patients of kidney cyst result from tapeworm infections. Cysts causes by tapeworms can also appear in other organs of the body and they are classically associated with a decline in an organ function.

In most cases, cysts on kidneys are benign, so patients do not need to much worry about it. However, they need to take medical measure early for enlarged cysts will oppress the kidney tissue and cause damages to kidneys.

In order to avoid trauma for your impaired kidneys, natural treatment are suggested for most patients. Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, medicated bath, all of them help remove the cyst on kidney naturally, and meanwhile they help improve kidney functions.

In addition to diet management, exercise and mood control will help improve curative effects. If you need more information about cyst on kidneys or its natural remedy, you can mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com
Are You Surprise You Have Cyst On Kidneys

Cyst on kidneys usually refers to an abnormal pocket of fluid, which is just like a blister, with either liquid, gaseous, or semi-solid substances in it. Many common people are surprised when they are found to have cyst on their kidneys. As they said: “ I always live a normal life and I do everyone usually do. why do I have a cyst on kidneys?”. In fact, there are many inducements for kidney cyst.

How does cyst grow from my kidneys?

In normal condition, kidney cells grow and divide into new cells that replace old or dead ones. However, sometime cells form when the body doesn’t need new ones, or old cells that should die, continue to live. The kidney mass of tissue appear, which includes kidney cyst. Besides, kidney mass also can be kidney growth, or kidney tumor.

What causes cyst on kidneys?

Some people get kidney cysts in a genetic way, such as polycystic kidney disease. Adult polycystic kidney disease usually develops rapidly at one’s 30s and 40s. In the first two decades, patients usually feel no discomforts.

A renal cyst also can develops as a result of an obstruction somewhere in the kidney. For example, lymphatic obstructions and vascular disease can both contribute to the development of a renal cyst.

Tapeworms also can be a main cause for cyst on kidneys. Many patients of kidney cyst result from tapeworm infections. Cysts causes by tapeworms can also appear in other organs of the body and they are classically associated with a decline in an organ function.

In most cases, cysts on kidneys are benign, so patients do not need to much worry about it. However, they need to take medical measure early for enlarged cysts will oppress the kidney tissue and cause damages to kidneys.

In order to avoid trauma for your impaired kidneys, natural treatment are suggested for most patients. Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, medicated bath, all of them help remove the cyst on kidney naturally, and meanwhile they help improve kidney functions.

In addition to diet management, exercise and mood control will help improve curative effects. If you need more information about cyst on kidneys or its natural remedy, you can mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com

High Creatinine Level 5

What does creatinine level 5 indicate?

Creatinine is formed as the end-product of creatine metabolism and is filtered through the kidney. This is why creatinine level is a measure to reflect kidney functions.

Creatinine level 5 is a pretty high dangerous level, which means that much byproducts and wastes build up in the body. Normally, creatinine levels 5 means patients have stepped into CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) Stage 3.

In Stage 3 CKD, the patient has kidney damage with a moderate decrease in the GFR of 30-59 ml/min. As kidney function declines waste products can build up in the blood causing a condition known as “uremia.” In this stage, the person may experience complications of kidney disease, such as high blood pressure, anemia and some symptoms may show, including fatigue, frequency urination, kidney pain and sleep problems.

Do I need dialysis with creatinine level 5?

5 is quite a high creatinine level and patient may need to take dialysis later on. however, whether the patient will start dialysis or not is based on the whole assessment of his or her other blood values, such as raised urea and potassium levels and the symptoms are severe or not.

If the patient feels sick, irritable, unable to eat and shortness of breath etc, he/she is expected to take the dialysis.

What are the recommended treatments?

Talk with your doctor whether dialysis is necessary, for such a treatment can help remove many toxins from the body right away.

If patient suffers from severe complications, such as high blood pressure or anemia, modern drugs need to be added, for it can restrict the rapid progression of complications.

Chinese herbal medicine should be suggested for it can alleviate the underlying kidney disease and improve renal functions. In this way, creatinine levels can be reduced from the root.

The conjunctive treatment of Chinese medicine and western medicine will take great effects in both symptoms and underlying kidney disease. Thereby, dangerous creatinine level can go back to normal from the root. If you want to know more, you can send your creatinine levels and other blood values to kidneyask@hotmail.com. We will reply detailed guideline.

Can Ketosteril Control My High Creatinine Level

Ketosteril is an enteral medicinal product indicated for prevention and psychoanalysis in chronic renal insufficiency contained by connection beside a low protein diet. It is usually prescripted for lowering high creatinine levels—a common complication of kidney disease. 
As ketosteril contains fives essential amino acids like: Lys, His, Thr, Trp, Tyr and another five amino acids contained by the form of their hydroxyl. These amino acids meet the need of kidney disease patients, so it is helpful do adjust the disorder of protein and amino acid metabolism. Thereby, sometime, creatinine level can be reduced in a short time.
However, some patients may find that ketosteril can not work in them or just work a while in them, then their creatinine levels come back very soon. Why ketosteril can’t control my high creatinine level?
In fact, creatinine level is the end-product of muscle metabolism which is filtered by kidneys in normal condition. Usually, constant high creatinine level results from the impaired kidneys. So the key to control creatinine level is to improve kidney functions.
Ketosteril can only reduce creatinine and urea nitrogen by adjusting metabolism of protein and amino acids, not by repairing damaged kidney, the cause of high creatinine and urea nitrogen. As long as kidney functions decline, metabolic wastes and other toxins like creatinine, urea nitrogen, will deposit in the body. As a result, high creatinine level will come back or keep in high level constantly.
Ketosteril Can’t Control My High Creatinine Level, What Should I Do?
By far, there is no specific medicine available which can improve kidney functions in western medicine. Luckily, we find a solution in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Some herbs are found to have the property to lower creatinine levels naturally. Meantime, other herbs which can dilate blood vessels, thus dredges the blocked renal capillaries. Therefore, sufficient blood can flow to renal lesion and carry enough oxygen and blood to repair damaged renal parts. Over time, renal function will improve accordingly.
In this way, creatinine which builds up in the body will be filtered out by improved kidneys. Creatinine level will be lowered from the root. If ketosteril doesn’t work in you or you are interested about Chinese herbal medicine, you can mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com


Prolong Dialysis Patients' Life

A good intake of protein. Protein is one of the building blocks of the body, and therefore it is critical to get ample quantities through the diet to re-stock on what has been lost to allow the body to repair itself. This is usually a joy for dialysis patients as the lead up to dialysis requires heavy dietary protein restriction. Generally, for patients on hemodialysis, 1.2 to 1.5 grams per kilo of body weight is enough; for patients on peritoneal dialysis, 1.2 to 2.2 grams per kilo of body weight is recommended.

Recommended nutrients. Some nutrients are proved to be helpful in prolonging life-span and life quality of patients on dialysis. Iron is suggested for its treatment on anemia and low hemoglobin levels. Multivitamin and mineral supplements contribute to all-side improvement of body health. Magnesium can strengthen cardiovascular health and alleviate symptoms of renal failure, such as high blood sugar, fatigue, headache etc.

Herbal medicine. Herbs are also good choice to improve dialysis life quality and prolong life expectancy. Some herbs have the property of improve renal functions, which helps alleviate underlying kidney disease. Some other herbs contain the substances which treat some complications of renal failure naturally. Herbs help improve dialysis life expectancy include hawthorn, olive leaf, dandelion, ginseng etc.

Optimize your dialysis frequency. Some patients are afraid that they will depend on dialysis in the rest of life, so they usually reduce their dialysis frequency. In fact, you should optimize your dialysis with your doctors. Inadequate dialysis will keep toxins remain in your body while increased frequency of dialysis will burden your weak health. Both of them will shorten your dialysis lifespan.

Most people on dialysis want their doctors to predict their lifespan, when they begin the dialysis. However, how long you will live totally depends on yourself. If you choose a healthy management for dialysis (healthy diet, proper exercise, herbs support etc), surely you will have a longer life expectancy than these who don’t. Some people do live a longer life than doctor predicts, but it does with reasons. If you need more help, you can mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com for further guideline.

Lifespan of Kidney Disease Patient After Dialysis

Dialysis expectancy, like anything in the world depends on many variables, some of which you can not control: age, genes, gender, race etc, and others you can: daily care, treatment, helpful emotion etc.

Thereby, we only can provide some rough states for your reference.

The average lifetime of dialysis a 4.25years and the 10 year kidney dialysis lifespan is 23%.

The luckiest ones who are on dialysis live for about 20 years with this kidney replacement method.

As it goes that “if you live like no one else, you will live like no one else”, so I think why average people live with dialysis for the average lifespan (4.25years) is that the live choose the average treatment, average lifestyle and average emotion management. They choose “average” in front of the factors (related to their dialysis lifespan) that they can control. You choose to do “average” things, so you get average result.

If you do better in choosing treatment, lifestyle and mood control, surely you will get a better result, that is, you will become one of the best luckiest ones.

In a word, you will no get a right answer about the question of how long you will live with dialysis, no matter how many times you get bogged down with all the statistics. Actually, you are the only who can decide how long your dialysis expectancy will be. Ask yourself to do the best job in the following requirement and you will be the luckiest to live the longest lifespan with dialysis.

Talk to your doctors what kind of food should in your diet plan and what should not and follow your diet strictly.

Take conjunctive treatment instead of dialysis alone. Add the treatment which can improve your kidney functions instead of only delaying kidney aggravations into your dialysis treatment.

Optimize your mood management. Don’t care too much about the “average” lifespan of dialysis. Encourage yourself and tell yourself as follows: as long as I do my best in diet, conjunctive treatment and other health care, surely I will be the luckiest one to live the longest dialysis lifespan.

Therefore, do not spend your energy to worry when you may die. Try to spend your energy to take action to help yourself live longer with dialysis. If you need more help, please mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com

High Blood Pressure Indicate Kidney Cyst

Nowadays, people confront various stresses from work and life, which makes many diseases common to see, including high blood pressure. When someone finds his or her blood pressure elevates, he (she) usually own it to recent fatigue and hardly keep it in mind. In fact, belittling this indicator is most likely encouraging cyst in your kidney.

What’s worse, renal cyst is asymptomatic in the early stage and many people even carry it for several years without knowing the truth. When they find the cyst in their kidneys occasionally, the cyst usually become very big and some renal functions have declined already.

In fact, high blood pressure has a close relation with kidneys. Usually, hypertension is an indicator of renal damage, because kidney is one of the most important organs to regulate blood volume and blood pressure. Many kidney diseases, including kidney cyst will elevate blood pressure sooner or later.

As kidney cyst enlarging, it will squeeze neighboring renal tissues and renal cells. Over time, kidneys functions will decline and disorder in regulating high blood pressure. Thereby, when you get an elevated blood pressure, you’d better take tests to identify whether there is a cyst in your kidney.

Early find and treatment means a lot for kidney cyst. When kidney cysts are small, they are easy to shrink with natural herbs and won’t cause severe kidney damages. However, when they grow too large, it will take a longer time to shrink your kidney cysts naturally and the declined kidney functions need more tonic herb to repair.

You may find puncture or other surgical removal to help control the larger cysts, however, any medical needle or scalpel will make a trauma on your impair kidneys.

High blood pressure is an important sign of kidney cyst. If you are suffering from high blood pressure, or other symptoms, such as flank pain, back pain, proteinuria, please take tests or have a talk with your doctors to ensure your kidney safety. You also can send your symptoms to kidneyask@hotmail.com, We will make a detailed analysis for you.


Why PKD Makes You Worried

Many patients with PKD have seen their family members are on dialysis at the end state of kidney disease, so they know much clearly about the sufferings of dialysis. They are afraid to depend on endless dialysis for survival and become weak staying on the bed or at home day by day. If they can not find an effect treatment to control the growth of cysts, they know that dialysis is predestined.

Kidney Transplant

With a similar fear to dialysis, patients with PKD are worried about kidney transplant when they step close to end stage. Kidney transplant is an important way to live a longer life. However, it is hard to get the chance after registered in the waiting list. According to studies, 6% of cases pass away when they are waiting for right kidney donators. Even though patients with PKD get a donated kidney, exclusive reaction increases the risk for most receivers.

Pass on faulty genes to children

Most PKD sufferers get the disease from their parents, so when they are diagnosed with such a disease, they begin to worry whether the faulty gene will be passed on their children. Even thought PKD is a genetic disease, you still have the chance to have a healthy baby. If one parent has PKD, his or her children have 50% of chance to be healthy. If both parents suffer from polycystic kidneys, the chance reduces to 25%. At present, some examinations can help patients identify whether their fetus are affected during pregnancy.

Incurable disease

By far, there is no cure for polycystic kidneys, which let PKD patients down. Even though surgery is available to remove larger cysts, patients usually find renal cysts become larger again. In fact, as long as cyst fluids keep secreting, renal cysts will keep growing up. Therefore, a series of damaged will attack your impaired kidneys.

However, even though it can not be cured, control the further growth of renal cysts by restricting the fluids secretion can avoid the following damaged, including renal failure and end stage of kidney disease. In this way, kidney transplant and dialysis will not be predestined any more.

Surely, a proper treatment will clear away the worries for PKD patients. If you need more detailed information, please mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com

Natural Treatment For Small Cyst on Kidney

Your doctor must have told you that diet changes and healthy lifestyle can help remedy the cyst on your kidney. However, we all know that daily care can not take place of regular medical measures, among which, Chinese herbs can be a safe and natural choice for shrink your small renal cyst.

In China, herbs usually are the first choice for chronic disease, including kidney mass. Herbal medicine not only improves an overall healthy state, but also keeps a very low price. Special herbs for cyst on kidney can achieve the following goals.

● shrink kidney cyst naturally and gradually

● get rid of chronic pain related to cyst on kidneys, such as back pain, flank pain.

● Dramatically improve your kidney functions.

● Stop felling exhausted

● Sleep better.

Herb for people with cyst on kidney is holistic therapy, for it not only remove cyst from kidneys naturally, but also make them get an overall improvement, both in body and mind. Meantime, herbs take effect both in shrinking cysts and in protecting kidneys.

Chinese herbs can achieve such a dramatic effect in removing cyst on kidney safely, because all herbal medicines derive from natural plants or a few animal parts.

Meantime, the individual prescriptions contribute a lot in remedying kidney cyst. Each prescription of herbal medicine is on the basis of individual condition. Generally, different kinds of herbs are mixed together for a better effect in one prescription. May only single herb can make a good job in one aspect, however, the mixture of several herbs can achieve an all-sided goal. As illness condition changes, the prescriptions will follow its changes to add or take away some herbs to ensure patients can make the great use of medicine ingredients.

If you are tired of doing nothing for cyst on your kidneys, Chinese herbs may help you to remove it naturally and safely. Herbs not only work for kidney cysts, but also do a good job in PKD (polycystic kidney disease) and kidney stone. If you are interested, you can mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com

Live A Normal Life With PKD

A proper treatment will give PKD patient a chance to live a full life even with PKD.

At one’s 30s, polycystic kidney disease develops rapidly and intense back pain and flank begin to torment patients. In order to get a remedy, many doctors prescript some drugs to alleviate the symptoms and also some medications to delay the occurrence of following complications, such as high blood pressure. However, all these measures do not aim at renal cysts, so it can not stop the way to renal failure.

Meantime, it is a key period to reverse kidney damages for renal cysts do not increase greatly in size and in number. Patients have a good chance to change their future life before they step to kidney failure. However, many patients do not realize it or they can not find a right treatment in their filed. This is why many patients fail to live a full life with PKD.

In fact, if patients can control the growth of kidney cysts at that time, their kidney cysts won’t squeeze the neighboring renal tissue, thereby renal failure won’t happen in them. Surely, they will get the chance to live a full life.

By far, there is no treatment available in western medicine to control the growth of renal cysts. However, many patients find Chinese herbal medicine can restrict the cysts wall to secret cyst fluids, thus renal cysts will stop to grow gradually. Meantime, some other herbs have the property of shrinking renal cysts and repair kidney functions. If these useful herbs can be mixed rightly, Chinese herbal medicine will help control renal cyst grow up, shrink renal cysts and improve kidney functions at the same time.

Thereby, Chinese herbal medicine can provide you a chance to live a full life, if you can take it early. Don’t lose your survival hope! If you can not find a solution in your country, you may find it abroad. Give yourself a chance to live a full life with your family and your friend. They need you live happily. If you are interested, you can mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com


Herbal Treatment of Dangerous Creatinine Level

What is considered as dangerous creatinine level?

The creatinine level over 1.0 mg/dl (milligrams per deciliter of blood) is considered dangerous, although your doctor would probably say a level of up to 1.2 mg/dl is okay if you are a male in excellent physical condition. The older and less muscular you are, the lower the level should be.

When creatine level is beyond the normal range, it is considered dangerous. High creatinine level indicates that much creatinine which should be filtered out by kidney, builds up in the body. In return, elevation in creatinine level will aggravate kidney damages.

Therefore, the key to remedy dangerous creatinine level is to restore reverse renal functions into normal.

Howe does remedy dangerous creatinine level naturally?

Chinese herbal medicine could be a good choice to lower creatinine level naturally. Chinese medicine is practiced by about one-fifth of the world’s population since 2500 years before. Ancient Chinese has already found some herbs which contain medical ingredients for controlling creatinine level. Herbs, such as dandelion, ginseng, aloe vera, cinnamon contribute particularly to discharging more creatinine from blood.

Through the ages, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is established on the basis of Chinese Herbal Medicine. It is a kind of external application. After the raw herbs are super-finely chattered, their powders are collected into the special pockets. Then, these pockets are soaked in penetrant. After that, they will be streamed in special heaters.

Hot herbal medicine pockets will be sent to ward and will be fixed on the lower back (kidney area) of the patients. With the help of osmosis devices, the medicine ingredients will permeate skin into kidneys and take effects directly.

By dilating blood vessels, more oxygen and blood will flow into kidney lesions, thus blocks the further aggravation of renal tissue and refreshes impaired renal cells. Besides, Micro-Chinese medicine also has the property of anti-inflammations and degradation, which will stop immune responses and cleaning away the wastes, including Creatinine, through urination.

When impaired kidneys get repaired, surely kidney dysfunctions will be reversed accordingly. In this way, dangerous creatinine level will be lower by kidneys spontaneously. If you are interested about this topic, you can mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com

A Natural Holistic Therapy: Chinese Herbal Medicine

The tradition of Chinese herbs

Chinese herbal medicine has evolved over thousands of years of clinical experience, which is regarded as major healer since Ancient China. As time goes, Chinese herbal medicine not plays an important role in China, but also spreads its influences throughout the world. It is also known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Oriental Medicine and Natural Herbal Medicine in many other countries.

The performance form of Chinese herbal medicine

Through the ages, a variety of performance form of Chinese herbal medicine comes into being, such as decoction, raw herbs, pills, tinctures, powders, medical plaster, ointment, acupuncture, massage, medicated bath, aromatherapy and external application (such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy) etc.

The prescriptions of Chinese Herbal Medicine

Many precious prescriptions have been passed on from Ancient Chinese. As it develops, a variety of new herbal formulas is established and is used to treat specific disorder. Normally, the prescriptions of Chinese Herbal Medicine take four points into consider: eliminate symptoms, alleviate underlying disease, repair impaired tissues and cell, improve overall health, offset side effects.

Herbs of Chinese herbal medicine

Normally, prescription includes many kinds of herbs for conjunctive herbs take more effects than individual ones. A single herb might address one aspect of a person’s balance, but a combination of herbs can be tailored to address the full range of the imbalance on a constitutional level.

In addition to necessary herbs, a few tonic herbs are usually added to prescriptions, so as to speed up the recovery.

However, one point should be established here that proper diagnosis before taking Chinese herbs is of great concern. Even most herbs take natural and gentle effect on the body, but abuse in herbs over long time, or even a short period in special cases can take bad effects.

In addition, therapist needs to add or put off some herbs in your prescription according to the changes of your illness condition during treatment. Therefore, diagnosis is very important in Chinese herbal medicine. If you are interested about Chinese herbal medicine, or Chinese herbs for kidney diseases, you can mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com for customized guidelines.

Will Kidney Cyst Enlarge As Large As 9cm

In normal condition, kidney cells grow and divide to form new cells that replace the old or dead ones. However, some times cells form when the body doesn’t need news, or old cells that should die, continue to live. As a final result, a kidney mass of tissue appears and it could be kidney cyst or kidney tumor. 

Once kidney cyst roots in kidney, it grows up constantly on the condition of persistent sac secretion. It is can be seen from this point that the key to stop the growth of kidney cyst is to control cysts fluids.

When kidney cyst gets as large as 9cm, it is usually predicted to cause a variety of renal damages. The normal size of kidneys is about 10-12cm, so the 9cm cyst is just a little smaller than kidneys and it is not hard to imagine it will make hams to your body.

This cyst takes much space of the abdomen, which will cause great pressure to around organs as well as cause damage to kidneys. And the very common complications are high blood pressure and kidney stone.

It can grow through years, even become larger than 9cm and gradually cause pressure and damage to renal function. When the kidney functions can not maintain the normal life eventually and it develops to End Stage of Kidney Failure. It can be seen that the key point of treating kidney cyst is to shrink the cysts on the basis of protect kidney functions, so as to reduce the pressure of kidney and avoid the influence on the kidney functions.

Current surgery for kidney cyst surely cause trauma to impaired kidneys. A natural remedy for 9cm kidney cyst is Chinese herbs. This herbal remedy make prescriptions of 4~20 herbs instead of single herb, because a combination of herbs can be tailored to address the full range of the imbalance on a constitutional level.

Besides, a few tonic herbs are often used in treatment which can nourish impaired kidneys. A professional prescription for kidney cyst can control kidney cyst growth by restricting fluids, shrink kidney cyst through renal tubule reabsorption of sacs, offset side effects and protect impaired kidneys.

Delay of treatment may cause kidney cyst not only as large as 9cm. Each doctor will suggest people with kidney cyst (>3cm) take medical measures as soon as possible. Contact mail: kidneyask@hotmail.com or you can get more from www.pkdsite.com


How to Deal With Renal cysts Rupture

If my renal cysts rupture, what should I do?

Renal cyst rupture may lead to intensive pain, which will spread around your abdominal area. In some case, patients may experience the rapid reduction of blood pressure, even get faint.

Therefore, when you your cysts rupture, you need to call your doctor as soon as possible.

Firstly, your doctor need to take some examinations, such as ultrasonic, to get a whole acknowledge about bleeding condition.

Secondly, your doctor will take some medical measure to alleviate your renal cysts rupture. Surely, he or she will prescript some anti-inflammation drugs and antibiotics etc.

If necessary, doctor will take operation immediately to drain renal cyst fluids and clean your abdominal cavity. Cleaning is very import to avoid infections and other complications.

Kidney cysts rupture is very troublesome, so preventive measures are very important for patients with kidney cysts. The key is to control the enlargement of kidney cyst.

In the traditional treatment, patients usually accept puncture to drain cyst fluids. This drainage can alleviate patients immediately and reduce some symptoms, however, it takes no effects in restricting cyst fluids secreting. Therefore, most patients will experience the cysts recurrence.

In order to tackle the relapse, many foreigners find solutions in Chinese herbal medicine. With a right prescription, Chinese herbs can restrict cyst fluids secretion, meantime, by dilating blood vessels, a pressure difference will appear between the blood vessels and cyst. Therefore, the cyst fluids will flow to blood vessels spontaneously. In this way, water-like sacs will be carried out through blood circulation. As a result, renal cysts will shrink day by day. Chinese herbal medicine is a natural and safe way to remove renal cyst naturally. More information, you can mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com

Is Egg A Good Choice for People With High Creatinine

Before the question of whether people with high creatinine level eat eggs is answered, what high creatinine level indicates should be established.

Creatinine refers to the byproducts of muscle metabolism, which is filtered out by kidneys in normal condition. Temporary elevated creatinine level may be associated with long time strenuous sports, excess intake of protein food etc, while constant high creatinine level is an important indicator of kidney dysfunction.

The main ingredients of eggs are mainly protein, calories and minerals, such as calcium, potassium and Vitamin A. All of these substances are necessary to strengthen human body. However, eggs actually are not a perfect choice for people with high creatinine levels.

The reason is that proteins and other waste products should be filtered by kidneys. However, high creatinine level people tend to with impaired kidneys. So taking too much high-protein food will add extra burden for their kidneys.

Too much intake of eggs is not suggested to patients with high creatinine level, but it does not mean that they can not manage in their diet anymore.

As we all know that egg is made up of egg white and yolk. The former one contains a high-quality protein which is suitable for patients with kidney disease. As for yolk, it is rich in cholesterol, which is an inducing agent for atherosclerosis, causing more complications for people with impaired kidneys and high creatinine levels.

Therefore, if you are with high creatinine level, proper intake of white egg and saying no to yolk is a good choice. Before, you determine to manage some food in your diet, you’d better have a talk with your doctors or dietitian at first, or you also can send to kidneyask@hotmail.com for more guidelines in diet and daily life.

What Causes High Creatinine Level

Creatinine is the byproducts of muscular metabolism, which is filtered out by kidneys in normal condition.Usually a persistent high creatinine level means the kidney damages in most cases. 

Dehydration is an inducement for high creatinine level. When a person gets dehydrated, the kidneys will try to deal with the breakdown products of proteins, leading a rise in blood creatinine.

More muscles tend to improve higher level. As it is mentioned above, creatinine generates from muscles. Therefore, you will find higher levels of creatinine in younger, more well-defined humans. Normally, big guys show a higher level in creatinine than that in small ones.

High blood pressure is another factor responsible for high creatinine level. As hypertension develops, it will damage to kidney filtration ability, leading a higher than normal or elevated creatinine level.

Diabetes also can affect the creatinine level to be high. If diabetes aggravates persistently, it will spread damages to kidneys, causing diabetic nephropathy. This kidney disease will cause kidney dysfunction in filtering creatinine sooner or later.

In addition, most kidney diseases will lead to elevation in creatinine. When kidneys get damages, it usually shows in the changes of creatinine.

Some patients who have kidney disease don’t realize that they have it. When they find they are suffers occasionally, their creatinine is already in a very high level. Therefore, it is important to find high creatinine level early. The indicators may include the symptoms, such as feeling dehydrated, fatigue, shortness of breath and confusion etc. If you are interested, you can mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com

Top 10 Ways to Lower High Creatinine Level

Manage vegetables in your diet. Animal products will build up more creatinine in your body, therefore it is necessary for you to avoid or at least reduce meat in diet, for animal products will bring extra burden for your impaired kidneys. According to clinical studies, vegetarian diet contributes to reducing the major risk factors of kidney disease. 
Say good bye to strenuous physical activities. Long-time strenuous physical activities are also an important factor for high creatinine level. Mild exercises tend to decrease the breakdown of creatinine into creatinine.
Take herbs. There are many herbs which contain special properties to lower creatinine level, such as Chamomile, Cinnamon, Stinging Nettle, Cinnamon, Salvia etc. Herbal medicine is considered not only can lower creatinine level naturally, but also can improve renal functions without side effects.
Take proper water. Too much water intake will lead to the edema in patients with elevated creatinine while too little water volume may cause dehydration which will aggravate the situation.
Avoid packaged or processed food. All packaged foods, fried items, processed food etc. should be strictly avoided, for these foods mainly contains more salt and fat.
Do not take soft drinks. All soft drinks should be forbidden for people with high creatinine level.
Don’ take too much of vanadium. Although vanadium is beneficial for the body, especially for diabetes and blood sugar problems, too much intake of mineral vanadium is expected to cause creatinine level high.
Take fish oil. Fish oil is found to have a mixture of omeg-3 fatty acids which contains EPA and DHA. It is the two materials which are believed to benefit the remedy of high creatinine level related to kidney problems.
Chose a right treatment. Current treatments for high creatinine levels include various drugs, hormones and dialysis. However, the safest and side-effect-free method is considered as the gentle therapy, which lowers creatinine level naturally.
If you are interested about more ways to control creatinine level, you can mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com

Surgery for PKD

Current surgeries for renal cysts are mainly puncture and LRCD (Laparoscopic Renal Cyst Decorbication). The two operations are similar but also different. Puncture means that your doctor will insert your kidney cysts and drain cyst fluids; LRCD refers that doctor make incisions in skin and inserts some tools drain the water-like sacs from cysts.

After surgery removal, you are expected to feel better right away. As larger cysts are removal, the pressure to surrounding issues reduces more or less. Thereby, some symptoms, such as flank pain, back pain and abdominal pain alleviate accordingly.

In order to restrict the cysts will grow up very soon, your doctors may fill the cysts with some material similar with medical alcohol. This method usually takes effects in slowing down the relapse of simple renal cyst. As for polycystic kidneys, there are numerous cysts rooting in kidneys, so surgery only can drain several larger cysts and leave the smaller ones alone.

However, problems follow in the near future. As it is known that it is constant production of fluids in cysts which keep cysts growing. Thereby, even though some cysts are filled with other infillings, they will become larger with cyst fluids secreting.

Another problem is that smaller cysts will grow faster and greatly. After larger ones are removed, there will be two factors enhance smaller cysts growing—more space, less pressure.

The bequeathal problem comes from impaired kidneys. Surgery only can take effects in renal cysts, but can do nothing for the impaired kidneys. Moreover, each surgery will bring new trauma for frail kidneys.

If you need help, you can mail your illness condition description to kidneyask@hotmail.com. We would like to provide a customized guidelines for you.

Chinese Herbal Therapy of PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)

Chinese herbal medicine includes diverse forms, such as herbs, animal parts and minerals. Amongst them, natural herbs are the most resource. In the development of Chinese herbal medicines, the prescriptions play an important role in treatment of polycystic kidneys. With clinical experience accumulating, the prescriptions has been tested and refined. After more 2500 years, Chinese herbal formulas have developed into a complete system for specific disorders, including Polycystic Kidney Disease.

Generally speaking, therapists make prescriptions with the combinations of herbs instead of individual herb. A single herb may only contain limited effects in limited aspects while the herbal combinations can address a full range of balance and effects.

When pharmacists prescript for patients with polycystic kidneys, they will take patient’s illness condition as a basis. A right prescription for PKD is expected to achieve the goal of eliminating symptoms, shrinking kidney cysts, repairing impaired kidneys, offsetting side effects. In order to achieve the four goals, the prescriptions should be refined and adjusted according to patient’s condition changes. Even though you just treat polycystic kidneys, you may get a dozen of more prescriptions during the treatment.

After a period of Chinese herbs therapy, you are expected to experience:

● Renal cysts shrink little by little and the small cysts may disappear.

● Flank pain, backache and abdominal pain alleviates spontaneously. As renal cysts become smaller, their pressure to kidneys and surrounding tissues will reduce, thus the relative pains and symptoms will disappear accordingly.

● Kidney functions get improvement. On one hand, shrinked cysts cause less damages to kidneys. On the other hand, some herbs have the functions of nourishing impaired kidneys.

By far, there are many performance forms of Chinese herbal medicine, such as loose herbs, pills, tinctures, powders and external applications. External application is considered as the safest way, for it won’t affect your internal organs. Meantime, it can take effects in kidney lesions directly when medicine ingredients permeate into kidneys. More information, please send mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com.

Acupuncture Remedy for Polycystic Kidney Disease

What’s Acupuncture?

Acupuncture develops as a medical technique, since ancient China. It uses fine needles insert into specific points on the surface of the body. When these points are stimulated, they will take a curative effect, restoring health and preventing disease. As acupuncture triggers the endocrine and nervous systems, it helps the body achieve a state of balance.

How does acupuncture alleviate polycystic kidneys?

Assist shrink renal cysts. Acupuncture increases circulation in the problem area and promotes tissue regeneration. However, in order to achieve the goal to shrink renal cysts greatly, acupuncture should be conjunctive with Chinese Herbs. The herbal formulas which specialize in treating polycystic kidneys can restrict the persistent secretion of cyst fluids and force water-like sacs flowing into blood vessels. Thus, cysts will shrink little by little. Meantime, with the combination of acupuncture, herbal medicine will take effect faster.

Alleviate pains. Flank pain, backache, abdominal pain is common symptoms of polycystic kidneys. As it is mentioned above, acupuncture can stimulate the production of endorphins. It is the body’s natural pain killers. Meantime, acupuncture effectively deactivates trigger points, which are overly sensitive spots beneath the skin that sometimes "trigger" pain or other symptoms into a "reference" zone, an area in a different part of the body, either close or far away.

● Reduce emotional stress. Many patients who are diagnosed with PKD tend to become anxious and nervous than before. Such an emotional stress affects them negatively. According to Chinese Medicine, the body responds to stress by mobilizing its resources the “fight or flight” response. By stimulating with special acupoint, body can relax its muscles and nerves. This is why many patients who suffer from extreme pain can sleep peacefully during or after acupuncture.

If you can not find a solution in modern medicine, you are welcomed to try Traditional Chinese Medicine. Contact mail: kidneyask@hotmail.com


Can Dialysis Save Your Shrinked Cysts

Why my kidneys shrink?

Due to many advanced kidney diseases, renal damages aggravate gradually. The common output of renal damages is renal ischemia and anemia, in which situation sufficient oxygen and blood can not be afforded to renal lesions. As a result, your kidneys will become not fresh than normal ones and start to shrink little by little.

Is dialysis is required, if your kidney shrink?

If one kidney shrinks while the other one is completely normal, it is usually possible for patients to lead a full life without much problems. However, if both kidneys become small, maybe your kidney disease has already stepped into renal failure stage.

Whether dialysis is required depends on individual condition, so your doctor may ask your do some tests for further decision. Normally, dialysis is recommended when your kidney functions drops to 15% or less, or if you have severe symptoms related to your kidney disorders, such as extremely fatigue, shortness of breath, failing to lie on back etc. Your doctor will help you decide when to begin dialysis, if necessary. All your doctor’s advices are based on your lab tests.

However, dialysis alone can not refresh your kidneys or make them bigger than before. Dialysis is only used to remove the wastes and excess water which should be filtered out by kidneys.

The key to control the further kidney shrinkage is to transport sufficient or more oxygen and blood to renal lesions, thus stops renal fibrosis. By far, there is no available solution in western medical filed. However, the Ancient Chinese Herbal Medicine is proved to dilate blood vessels. In this way, renal thrombus will be resolved and renal blood circulation will speed up, bringing more oxygen and blood to renal lesion, thus “revive” the damage part. Meantime, some herbs aim at anti-inflammation or contain much minerals, which will provide a favorable environment to repair impaired kidneys and improve renal functions.

As long as your renal functions can improve to a certain degree, you will not need to take dialysis any more. Therefore, whether your need dialysis in the condition of shrinking kidneys is determined by individual condition and the treatment you are taking. If you need any help about kidney shrinkage or Chinese herbs, you can mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com.

What Should I Do with Renal Cyst Rupture

If my renal cysts rupture, what should I do?

Renal cyst rupture may lead to intensive pain, which will spread around your abdominal area. In some case, patients may experience the rapid reduction of blood pressure, even get faint.

Therefore, when you your cysts rupture, you need to call your doctor as soon as possible.

Firstly, your doctor need to take some examinations, such as ultrasonic, to get a whole acknowledge about bleeding condition.

Secondly, your doctor will take some medical measure to alleviate your renal cysts rupture. Surely, he or she will prescript some anti-inflammation drugs and antibiotics etc.

If necessary, doctor will take operation immediately to drain renal cyst fluids and clean your abdominal cavity. Cleaning is very import to avoid infections and other complications.

Kidney cysts rupture is very troublesome, so preventive measures are very important for patients with kidney cysts. The key is to control the enlargement of kidney cyst.

In the traditional treatment, patients usually accept puncture to drain cyst fluids. This drainage can alleviate patients immediately and reduce some symptoms, however, it takes no effects in restricting cyst fluids secreting. Therefore, most patients will experience the cysts recurrence.

In order to tackle the relapse, many foreigners find solutions in Chinese herbal medicine. With a right prescription, Chinese herbs can restrict cyst fluids secretion, meantime, by dilating blood vessels, a pressure difference will appear between the blood vessels and cyst. Therefore, the cyst fluids will flow to blood vessels spontaneously. In this way, water-like sacs will be carried out through blood circulation. As a result, renal cysts will shrink day by day. Chinese herbal medicine is a natural and safe way to remove renal cyst naturally. More information, you can mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com

IS Egg Harmful for High Creatinine Level

Before the question of whether people with high creatinine level eat eggs is answered, what high creatinine level indicates should be established.

Creatinine refers to the byproducts of muscle metabolism, which is filtered out by kidneys in normal condition. Temporary elevated creatinine level may be associated with long time strenuous sports, excess intake of protein food etc, while constant high creatinine level is an important indicator of kidney dysfunction.

The main ingredients of eggs are mainly protein, calories and minerals, such as calcium, potassium and Vitamin A. All of these substances are necessary to strengthen human body. However, eggs actually are not a perfect choice for people with high creatinine levels.

The reason is that proteins and other waste products should be filtered by kidneys. However, high creatinine level people tend to with impaired kidneys. So taking too much high-protein food will add extra burden for their kidneys.

Too much intake of eggs is not suggested to patients with high creatinine level, but it does not mean that they can not manage in their diet anymore.

As we all know that egg is made up of egg white and yolk. The former one contains a high-quality protein which is suitable for patients with kidney disease. As for yolk, it is rich in cholesterol, which is an inducing agent for atherosclerosis, causing more complications for people with impaired kidneys and high creatinine levels.

Therefore, if you are with high creatinine level, proper intake of white egg and saying no to yolk is a good choice. Before, you determine to manage some food in your diet, you’d better have a talk with your doctors or dietitian at first, or you also can send to kidneyask@hotmail.com for more guidelines in diet and daily life.


How does Western Medicine Treat PKD

Western medicine will follow these steps to treat polycystic kidney:

At present, all Western Medicines aim at alleviating the symptoms of kidneys instead of underlying disease—control the growth of renal cysts. The main steps include:

1) Wait the cysts become enough big.

2.) 95% of anhydrous alcohol is inputted into renal cysts for solidifying capillary, then liquid can’t go into renal cysts.

3) Abstract the cystic liquid from renal cyst—this operation may be called puncture. Please notice that these measures will damage the kidney, especially for the nephron which is the basic part of kidney.

Is There Anything Natural For My PKD?

Yes, there exits something natural which can alleviate your symptoms of your PKD. Many herbs that help control the growth of renal cysts and shrinking them successfully, such as Chamomile, Cinnamon, dandelion root, cranberry, celery etc. To achieve a better effect, the combine of several effects is often used together. When your polycystic kidneys are alleviated, your back pain and abdominal pain will get a remedy accordingly.

Herbal Remedy for Polycystic Kidneys

Herbal Remedy  is not a surgery but a conservative external application therapy. Chinese herb medicines applied to treat PKD are superfinely shattered and then packaged in sacks. After soaked and heated for some time, two sacks filled with medicines are attached to patient’s renal region. With the help of an osmosis device, ingredients of herb medicines can permeate into renal lesion via acupoints and channels (a term in Chinese medical science)

Chinese herb medicine also cannot change the abnormal genes in patients with PKD. It has some advantages over western medicine, because apart from relieving symptoms like western medicine does, Chinese medicine also can improve ischemia and anoxia of renal tissues and repair the damaged renal functional cells as well as doing with the increasing kidney cysts. Speaking in detailedly, Chinese herb medicine takes effect mainly from the follow aspects.

1) Some herb medicines have effects of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation as well as preventing blood viscosity, dilating blood vessels and degrading extra cellular matrixes. Therefore, Chinese herb medicine can improve blood circulation and thereby improve ischemia and anoxia of renal tissues. As you know, ischemia and anoxia are the key factors of renal fibrosis.

2) Chinese herbs can supply vitamin, micronutrients, organic acid and other nutrients for repairing the damaged renal functional cells. Also, some herbs stimulate DNA replication of the damaged cells, thus speeding up the progress of cells’ self-repair.

3) Chinese herb medicine deals with kidneys cysts mainly through increasing the permeability of cyst walls and restraining secretion of cyst fluids. Compared with removing cysts by surgery, Chinese herb medicine is relatively slow, but it can deal with both small and big cysts and won’t cause any damage to the kidneys issues.

If you want to know more about PKD and Chinese Herbal Medicine, you can mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com

Exercise for Polycystic Kidney Disease

A well being exercise for PKD patient should take the followings into consider: intensity, regularity, mental relaxation. In addition to these, professional consultation with your doctor should be managed before beginning any exercise program.

Intensity. The intensity level should be on the condition that your heart rate increases instead of beyond your physical tolerance. The exercise you choose should help strengthen your health and contribute to polycystic kidneys, but not build burden for you to carry. Therefore, gentle sports are ok, such as walking, jogging, taking the stairs instead of elevator.

Regularity. Take exercise regularly everyday, but not take a long-time sport every several days. 30-mintures mild exercise five days in a week is good choice for your blood pressure improvement. Patients with PKD can go walking, biking etc.

Mental relaxation. Most patients have seen their relatives passed away with PKD, so physical burden and anxiety arises in them when they are diagnosed with the same disease. Luckily, there are some exercises available for mental relaxation for they emphasis on concentrated breathing. Proper choices for PKD patients to optimize their mind body include tai chi, yoga and stretching.

Avoid contact sport for it may hit your kidney cysts and make them rupture. Do not take ball games, such as football, basketball, because most of them are drastic. If any exercise makes you feel pain in abdomen, back, flank, please stop it right away. If you are interested in other daily health guidelines for PKD, you can mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com


Remedy for the Pain in Back or in Abdomen Related to PKD

Polycystic kidney refers to that numerous cysts forms in the kidneys. Pain is a common complaint in patients with PKD. As renal cysts grow, they will force pressure to kidneys, stretching cyst walls and even cause rupture. All of these result in back pain or abdominal pain. Thereby, alleviation is of great significance for patients to grasp.

In order to get a right alleviation of back pain or abdominal pain, acknowledge in the pain cause should be achieved. As mentioned above, major responsibilities root in three aspects: pressure to kidneys, stretching cyst wall and cyst rupture. In the final analysis, it is constant cyst growth take charge for common complain—pain in back and abdominal.

Thereby, the key of alleviation is to control further enlargement of renal cysts.

Many modern medical techniques take effects in enlarged renal cysts, such as puncture—your doctor will insert your kidney cysts and drain cyst fluids; LRCD (Laparoscopic Renal Cyst Decorbication)—make incisions in skin and inserts some tools drain the fluids from cysts. Both of surgical removal can make some larger cyst smaller fast, which makes patients feel better in a short time.

However, surgery fails to take effects in the further enlargement of cysts. In other words, no matter how many times your doctor drain cysts fluids, new water-like sacs will fill up renal cysts sooner or later. Normally, smaller cysts will grow up faster after surgical removal, because there will be more growing space.

Is there any therapy available to control the further enlargement cysts?

Any problem has its predestined solution, if you are in the right way. When you can not find hope in one medical field, you may get a new discovery in another medical system. This also works for the treatment of PKD.

Even though many doctors can do nothing for progression of PKD with modern technique, many therapists find Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) take great effects in controlling persistent cysts enlargement.

In ancient China, pharmacists find some herbs contain special ingredients which can shrink renal cysts, restrict fluids secreting and improve renal functions. As TCM develops, more than 20 types of natural plants benefit the constant progression of polycystic kidneys. With a right prescription, TCM is expected to restrict the growth of renal cysts and remove them naturally through blood circulation and urination.

When renal cysts shrinks, the symptoms of PKD, such as flank pain, back pain and abdominal pain will vanish spontaneously. If you are interested about TCM and other natural therapies for PKD, you can mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com

How Does Herbs Help Get Rid of Kidney Cyst Naturally

Herbs for removing cyst mainly contain dandelion root, cranberry, hydrangea, Uva Ursi, Marshmallow, Watermelon seed, goldenrod, parsley etc.

Each of herb has different property in recovering kidney cyst. Some are used to dilating cyst wall blood vessels, some cleaning away cyst fluids, some increasing cyst wall permeability, some restricting fluids to generate.

Normally, several herbs are mixed in one prescription for kidney cyst, in order to achieve fast and complete therapeutic effects. Major points in prescription for kidney cysts include: eliminating symptoms, shrinking kidney cyst, repair impaired tissues and cells, offsetting side effects.

As therapists get more realization on various herbs, they build a complete medical system for driving away disease. This medical system is known as Natural Herbal Medicine or Traditional Chinese Medicine. The common form for this therapy is the decoction of medicinal ingredients, namely, Chinese Medicine Doctors will elect herbs with different properties and boil them. Then they collect the herbal water for patient to drink. A right prescripted decoction can removing kidney cyst naturally.

After herbal therapy, you are expected to experience the followings:

● You can find your cyst shrink day by day with the help of B Ultrasound.

● Flank pain or abdominal pain disappear spontaneously when kidney cyst become smaller and smaller.

● Another common output it that eliminating an odor urine, dark urine, antibiotic residues and sand-like material that are either cyst fluids or wastes in the body. You may discover these when you are urinating.

● Many people have experience improvements in blood pressure for herbs help improve kidney functions. One important renal function is to regulate blood pressure.

Right prescriptions of herbal medicine can remove your kidney cyst naturally and safely. However, wrong one can take bad effect on patients. Therefore, you are suggested to take herbal therapy with the direction of professional pharmacists or regular hospital. If you want more guidelines on kidney cyst or natural therapy, please feel free to contact kidneyask@hotmail.com

Patient Profile: A Safe and Natural Treatment for PKD

Basic Information: Miss Lee, Female, 38 years old, from Shan Xi Province China.

Main complaints: back pain and flank pain

Diagnosis: Polycystic Kidney Disease—PKD

Lab report before treatment: blood pressure 140/90mmhg, B Ultrasound the largest cyst in left kidney 7.8x5.7cm, the largest cyst in right kidney 6.0x4.3cm, serum creatinine 2899 umol/L.

Treatments during hospitalization:

She is given Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy three times per day. Ten days later, kidney functions improve and her creatinine level reduces to 1100umol/L. She continues to take this therapy for one month in our hospital and takes four-month medicines for home treatment.

Lab report after hospitalization: blood pressure 120/80mmhg, B Ultrasound the largest cyst in left kidney 4.3x2.3cm, the largest cyst in right kidney 3.5x2.44, serum creatinine 835umol/L.

Analysis: Modern treatment for PKD is puncture and LRCD. The former one uses a thin and long needle to insert renal cyst, so as to drain fluids. The later one makes incisions on renal skin and inserts some tools drain the fluids from cyst.

However, the removal of larger cysts will reduce the press to smaller ones; meantime, it will make more room for the rest cysts. As a result, existed cysts will grow larger and fast and renal cysts never will vanish, thus causes continuous trauma for kidneys.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can increase the blood circulation and permeability in cyst walls, thus causes cyst wall reabsorb fluids. Meantime, it can restrict the fluids secretion and in this condition, the pressure in cysts will reduce and cysts will shrink. As a result, shrinked renal cysts will generate less pressure to kidneys. Therefore, flank pain and back pain will disappear spontaneously.

In addition, by dilating blood vessels, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can improve ischemia and anemia in kidneys, thus achieve the goal to control blood pressure. More similar cases, mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com

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