
Top 10 Ways to Lower High Creatinine Level

Manage vegetables in your diet. Animal products will build up more creatinine in your body, therefore it is necessary for you to avoid or at least reduce meat in diet, for animal products will bring extra burden for your impaired kidneys. According to clinical studies, vegetarian diet contributes to reducing the major risk factors of kidney disease. 
Say good bye to strenuous physical activities. Long-time strenuous physical activities are also an important factor for high creatinine level. Mild exercises tend to decrease the breakdown of creatinine into creatinine.
Take herbs. There are many herbs which contain special properties to lower creatinine level, such as Chamomile, Cinnamon, Stinging Nettle, Cinnamon, Salvia etc. Herbal medicine is considered not only can lower creatinine level naturally, but also can improve renal functions without side effects.
Take proper water. Too much water intake will lead to the edema in patients with elevated creatinine while too little water volume may cause dehydration which will aggravate the situation.
Avoid packaged or processed food. All packaged foods, fried items, processed food etc. should be strictly avoided, for these foods mainly contains more salt and fat.
Do not take soft drinks. All soft drinks should be forbidden for people with high creatinine level.
Don’ take too much of vanadium. Although vanadium is beneficial for the body, especially for diabetes and blood sugar problems, too much intake of mineral vanadium is expected to cause creatinine level high.
Take fish oil. Fish oil is found to have a mixture of omeg-3 fatty acids which contains EPA and DHA. It is the two materials which are believed to benefit the remedy of high creatinine level related to kidney problems.
Chose a right treatment. Current treatments for high creatinine levels include various drugs, hormones and dialysis. However, the safest and side-effect-free method is considered as the gentle therapy, which lowers creatinine level naturally.
If you are interested about more ways to control creatinine level, you can mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com

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