
Herbal Remedy for Polycystic Kidneys

Herbal Remedy  is not a surgery but a conservative external application therapy. Chinese herb medicines applied to treat PKD are superfinely shattered and then packaged in sacks. After soaked and heated for some time, two sacks filled with medicines are attached to patient’s renal region. With the help of an osmosis device, ingredients of herb medicines can permeate into renal lesion via acupoints and channels (a term in Chinese medical science)

Chinese herb medicine also cannot change the abnormal genes in patients with PKD. It has some advantages over western medicine, because apart from relieving symptoms like western medicine does, Chinese medicine also can improve ischemia and anoxia of renal tissues and repair the damaged renal functional cells as well as doing with the increasing kidney cysts. Speaking in detailedly, Chinese herb medicine takes effect mainly from the follow aspects.

1) Some herb medicines have effects of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation as well as preventing blood viscosity, dilating blood vessels and degrading extra cellular matrixes. Therefore, Chinese herb medicine can improve blood circulation and thereby improve ischemia and anoxia of renal tissues. As you know, ischemia and anoxia are the key factors of renal fibrosis.

2) Chinese herbs can supply vitamin, micronutrients, organic acid and other nutrients for repairing the damaged renal functional cells. Also, some herbs stimulate DNA replication of the damaged cells, thus speeding up the progress of cells’ self-repair.

3) Chinese herb medicine deals with kidneys cysts mainly through increasing the permeability of cyst walls and restraining secretion of cyst fluids. Compared with removing cysts by surgery, Chinese herb medicine is relatively slow, but it can deal with both small and big cysts and won’t cause any damage to the kidneys issues.

If you want to know more about PKD and Chinese Herbal Medicine, you can mail to kidneyask@hotmail.com

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