Herbs for removing cyst mainly contain dandelion root, cranberry, hydrangea, Uva Ursi, Marshmallow, Watermelon seed, goldenrod, parsley etc.
Each of herb has different property in recovering kidney cyst. Some are used to dilating cyst wall blood vessels, some cleaning away cyst fluids, some increasing cyst wall permeability, some restricting fluids to generate.
Normally, several herbs are mixed in one prescription for kidney cyst, in order to achieve fast and complete therapeutic effects. Major points in prescription for kidney cysts include: eliminating symptoms, shrinking kidney cyst, repair impaired tissues and cells, offsetting side effects.
As therapists get more realization on various herbs, they build a complete medical system for driving away disease. This medical system is known as Natural Herbal Medicine or Traditional Chinese Medicine. The common form for this therapy is the decoction of medicinal ingredients, namely, Chinese Medicine Doctors will elect herbs with different properties and boil them. Then they collect the herbal water for patient to drink. A right prescripted decoction can removing kidney cyst naturally.
After herbal therapy, you are expected to experience the followings:
● You can find your cyst shrink day by day with the help of B Ultrasound.
● Flank pain or abdominal pain disappear spontaneously when kidney cyst become smaller and smaller.
● Another common output it that eliminating an odor urine, dark urine, antibiotic residues and sand-like material that are either cyst fluids or wastes in the body. You may discover these when you are urinating.
● Many people have experience improvements in blood pressure for herbs help improve kidney functions. One important renal function is to regulate blood pressure.
Right prescriptions of herbal medicine can remove your kidney cyst naturally and safely. However, wrong one can take bad effect on patients. Therefore, you are suggested to take herbal therapy with the direction of professional pharmacists or regular hospital. If you want more guidelines on kidney cyst or natural therapy, please feel free to contact kidneyask@hotmail.com