
Surgery for PKD

Current surgeries for renal cysts are mainly puncture and LRCD (Laparoscopic Renal Cyst Decorbication). The two operations are similar but also different. Puncture means that your doctor will insert your kidney cysts and drain cyst fluids; LRCD refers that doctor make incisions in skin and inserts some tools drain the water-like sacs from cysts.

After surgery removal, you are expected to feel better right away. As larger cysts are removal, the pressure to surrounding issues reduces more or less. Thereby, some symptoms, such as flank pain, back pain and abdominal pain alleviate accordingly.

In order to restrict the cysts will grow up very soon, your doctors may fill the cysts with some material similar with medical alcohol. This method usually takes effects in slowing down the relapse of simple renal cyst. As for polycystic kidneys, there are numerous cysts rooting in kidneys, so surgery only can drain several larger cysts and leave the smaller ones alone.

However, problems follow in the near future. As it is known that it is constant production of fluids in cysts which keep cysts growing. Thereby, even though some cysts are filled with other infillings, they will become larger with cyst fluids secreting.

Another problem is that smaller cysts will grow faster and greatly. After larger ones are removed, there will be two factors enhance smaller cysts growing—more space, less pressure.

The bequeathal problem comes from impaired kidneys. Surgery only can take effects in renal cysts, but can do nothing for the impaired kidneys. Moreover, each surgery will bring new trauma for frail kidneys.

If you need help, you can mail your illness condition description to kidneyask@hotmail.com. We would like to provide a customized guidelines for you.

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