Before the question of whether people with high creatinine level eat eggs is answered, what high creatinine level indicates should be established.
Creatinine refers to the byproducts of muscle metabolism, which is filtered out by kidneys in normal condition. Temporary elevated creatinine level may be associated with long time strenuous sports, excess intake of protein food etc, while constant high creatinine level is an important indicator of kidney dysfunction.
The main ingredients of eggs are mainly protein, calories and minerals, such as calcium, potassium and Vitamin A. All of these substances are necessary to strengthen human body. However, eggs actually are not a perfect choice for people with high creatinine levels.
The reason is that proteins and other waste products should be filtered by kidneys. However, high creatinine level people tend to with impaired kidneys. So taking too much high-protein food will add extra burden for their kidneys.
Too much intake of eggs is not suggested to patients with high creatinine level, but it does not mean that they can not manage in their diet anymore.
As we all know that egg is made up of egg white and yolk. The former one contains a high-quality protein which is suitable for patients with kidney disease. As for yolk, it is rich in cholesterol, which is an inducing agent for atherosclerosis, causing more complications for people with impaired kidneys and high creatinine levels.
Therefore, if you are with high creatinine level, proper intake of white egg and saying no to yolk is a good choice. Before, you determine to manage some food in your diet, you’d better have a talk with your doctors or dietitian at first, or you also can send to for more guidelines in diet and daily life.